
MBTA Distro is a project that currently operates on stolen land distributing zines, stickers, posters, and other goodies for anarchists, autonomous radicals, and everybody curious about what a liberated world might look like and how we might get there. This happens at events, shows, maybe even on regular days in the street!

Additionally, this project aims to amplify and report on occurrences in so-called boston. See the “submissions” tab to see how to help with this.

Long term, this project aims to be a regular point for community political discussion and education. Everybody hates their boss, for example, but helping provide words to this can help people form ideas on fighting that boss and the economic system that created them. Similar goes for the struggle against all oppressions, finding words and targets is half the battle. The other half happens everywhere.

Stick around for anarchy, communism, and struggles against all oppression (in no particular order, and nonexhaustively: racism, white supremacy, capitalism, state authority and violence, imperialism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism and patriarchy, ecocide, and speciesism.)

And for those who seek to organize and act around the transit of this world, you will hopefully find many materials.