Zine City

Zines Formatted By The Distro

Gettin’ Schooled:  The Politics of Teaching, Writing, and Race by Tomas – Written by a professor at a community college in Berkeley, CA. Talking about being an anarchist, a teacher, and a person of color (and students specific experiences with race in and out of the classroom). Originally found through Fugitive Distro, and a pdf of a pamphlet by JailBreak Press. First zine formatted by the distro, kind of janky.

The University of Laziness Defied: Or, A Guide To Practical High School Anarchism by A. Song & A. Dartt – Written by two high schooler anarchists and posted to the anarchist library. Their thoughts on organizing in high school, navigating adults and peers, and a rundown on the basics of anarchism. Also a pretty janky format.

Organizing Around Transit: At The Intersection of Environmental Justice and Class Struggle by Tom Wetzel – Written by a longtime anarcho-syndicalist. The distro has no particular affinity with the group Wetzel belongs to, or Wetzel himself, but thinks this is a good zine to read for those interested in organizing around transit. Particularly, this draws on experiences on the west coast, especially the LA Bus Riders Union.

The Communiques in the Lead Up to the FTP3 Protest in NYC, 2020 – Some writing from author/compiler, “A Rapidly Former Youth”, but largely made up of communiques released through the nyc based group “Decolonize This Place.” These were surrounding an anti-fare and anti-police protest, and the shed light on some of the politics of the movement surrounding it (negative and positive). For many at the time these protests were energizing, militant, and spurred copycat actions on smaller scales across the country. So why not read from the moment?

The Bell Tolls For Thee, Motherf*cker by John O’Reilly – A realistic fiction piece written by a bus driver, from the POV of a bus driver. Goes through the many aspects of the job and life that can wear you down. Found on libcom.org some time ago.

Are You An Anarchist? The Answer May Surprise You by David Graeber – A reformat of an old piece. Its not a bad first text. The answer surprises some people.

Report-Back From March To Stop Cop City In Atlanta Forest – A short article taken from Abolition Media detailing one persons experience in a march during a week of action in the weelaunee forest. Stop Cop City!

A message from Free Revolutionaries of Tehran for the first anniversary of revolutionary uprising 2022 – A short message from some revolutionaries in Tehran, Iran covering past uprisings and repressions, as well as the most recent.

A Nuclear Superpower and a Dispossessed People: An Anarchist from Jaffa on the Escalation in Palestine and Israeli Repression – A crimethinc article formatted into a zine. An interview with former member of Anarchists Against the Wall Jonathan Pollak, talking about the escalation in Gaza, protests in Palestine, and his court case.

From the Galilee to Gaza: A Voice from Palestine –  A crimethinc article formatted into a zine. Writing from a Palestinian in the Galilee, the north of Palestine. Talks about the history and present of the war on Gaza and Palestinians, racism Palestinians and Arabs face, and who gets

Palestinian Anarchists in Conversation: Recalibrating Anarchism in a Colonized Country – An article from the Lebanese magazine “The Outpost” found on the Institute for Anarchist Studies website. From 2013, but discussing some topics relevant today, such as the struggle against israeli colonialism, and the role of nationalism.

Voices from the Front Line Against the Occupation: Interview with Palestinian Anarchists – Interview with Fauda, Palestinian anarchists. Talks about the situation in Palestine at this moment in Gaza and the West Bank.

New Years Revolutions: Goals For Tearing Shit Down And Building Shit Up – A zine/workbook talking about time, goal setting (with “SMART” goals), and providing space to make new years resolution, and thinking about our past, present, and future revolutionary selves.

Zine Library With Categories! (Find hundreds more zines not formatted by us here)
