Before this site was up, the distro put communiques and photos of actions on its social media.
Here are some of those.
Communique from anonymous antifascists in so-called Boston following a banner drop. Posted Nov. 16, 2022
“Anti-fascists in Boston dropped a banner over the mass pike last night following a reactionary pro-Bolsonaro demonstration in Cambridge on Thursday and a Nazi group attempting to disrupt the anarchist bookfair on Sunday. The banner reads “Abaixo O Fascismo” which in recent years has been an anti-fascist rallying cry used against former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro. Although Bolsonaro has been defeated in the most recent election, his supporters still feel empowered to demonstrate in support of him. Fascists such as Bolsonaro are supported not just by a minority of Brazilians but American fascists as well since they have many ideological similarities. Therefore, stomping out fascism at home is directly connected to our ability to smash fascism abroad! Small efforts such as these are necessary for making fascists know that they are not welcome and that they cannot claim space without resistance.”
Stop Cop City and Anti-Cambridge Police Department Banner Drop. Posted Jan. 21st, 2023
Stop Cop City Banner Drop in Quincy, MA. Posted Apr. 26, 2023