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Submission: Arrest Pamphlet For Encampments

A zine was submitted to the distro regarding going through the process of getting arrested at an encampment. The formatting is, new, to us. below is an imposition guide. If there are any extra folds not on the bind at the end of the process, we have found it best to cut them, then staple […]

Submission: Communique from the Northeastern University Encampment for Gaza

We received the following communique: FROM SO-CALLED BOSTON ON MASSACHUSETT, MASHPEE, AND WAMPANOAG LAND: Students and community allies swarmed and took over Centennial Commons at Northeastern University (NU), just as anti-war NU students did in that same area during the Vietnam War. We demanded three specific actions: disclose, divest, denounce. NU is notorious for its […]

Submission: Anti-Elbit Action Blocks Longfellow Bridge

A video communique was submitted to the distro about an action blocking the Longfellow Bridge on Land Day in “Boston” and “Cambridge.” Here are the words from the communique: “At the same time as a mass demonstration held the Mass Ave Bridge, an autonomous group of activists blocked all Cambridge-bound traffic on the Longfellow Bridge […]

New Zine: How We Organized After A Capitalist Catastrophe

Syrian comrades organized in the wake of the earthquake in February 2023. In this, they were contending not only with the destruction caused by the earthquake, but the magnification of aspects of the disaster by capital and the state (who do not aid in building infrastructure, preparedness, and try to swoop in to expand and […]

New Zine: New Years Revolutions Zine & Workbook

This zine is part submission part collaboration. “The intent of this zine/terrible notebook is to make it easier for our ourselves and comrades to imagine a better world and articulate the means and ends for creating such a world. As radicals, one of the most powerful tools we have is the creative capacity of our […]

New Zine: Format of “Voices from the Front Line Against the Occupation: Interview with Palestinian Anarchists”

An interview was done directly with a Palestinian anarchist who is a member of the Fauda Movement in Palestine, who describe themselves as: “…young activists and academics from inside and outside Palestine. Our goal is to bring together all forces with various political and intellectual ideas and trends and focus them on fighting the unjust […]

New Zine: Format of “Palestinian Anarchists in Conversation: Recalibrating Anarchism in a Colonized Country”

Spreading information is part of what we can do in this moment. Of course there is the first priority: materially impacting the settler-colonial state of israel and its benefactors (such as the US government and arms companies). As a second priority, we want to spread information that is from perspectives that matter, such as Palestinian […]


In addition to printing and formatting zines, we also print stickers! It fills our hearts with joy to see them. If you want to print some for yourself, the PDF’s for them are posted in our cryptpad and some of them are embedded in the bottom of the post. If you ever encounter any of […]