New Zine: Format of “Voices from the Front Line Against the Occupation: Interview with Palestinian Anarchists”

An interview was done directly with a Palestinian anarchist who is a member of the Fauda Movement in Palestine, who describe themselves as:

“…young activists and academics from inside and outside Palestine.

Our goal is to bring together all forces with various political and intellectual ideas and trends and focus them on fighting the unjust occupation and racist Zionist thought in Palestine. That’s why we have good relations with some young people from the Jewish faith, some converts, some Muslims, Christians, and others.”

As a part of this interview, they ask of people in the so-called united states to:

“…explain to the people in the United States the Palestinian issue as it is, not according to the false Israeli narrative.”

We try to do this on our social media, and in formatting zines as texts in english become available, while adding other zines on past and current events in palestine to our zine library for others to read and distribute. We also seek to do this by spreading the words of Fauda members.

Other interviews can be found on instagram, with this member and one other (with a third in the works). A zine seems to be in the works.

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Original Article