New Zine: Format of “Palestinian Anarchists in Conversation: Recalibrating Anarchism in a Colonized Country”

Spreading information is part of what we can do in this moment. Of course there is the first priority: materially impacting the settler-colonial state of israel and its benefactors (such as the US government and arms companies).
As a second priority, we want to spread information that is from perspectives that matter, such as Palestinian anarchists.
This is an older article, but is discussing some of the same things that are being talked about today: the struggle against colonialism and the role of nationalism. One quote in particular stands out from this, keeping in mind it was said 10 years ago.
“Back in Ramallah, Nimer reflects: ‘I’m often pessimistic, but you can’t discount Palestinians. We could break out at any moment. The First Intifada began with a car accident.'”

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Original Article